Wing Pulleys
It’s the one that started a tail pulley revolution back in 2007. That’s when Superior was first to introduce the v-shaped wing pulley and quickly after the Chevron Pulley became the standard for conveyor wing pulleys.
Before the Chevron Pulley, traditional wing pulley designs were notorious for trapping rocks, gathering fugitive material and bending prematurely. The rocks punctured conveyor belts and the folded or filled wings caused belting to mistrack.
V-shaped Chevron Wing Pulleys reject and repel any incoming fugitive material, which significantly extends the operating life of your conveyor and many of its components.
V-Shaped Wings
Deflects material, which prevents fugitive entrapment and extends service life.
Constant Contact
Steady contact between pulley and belt reduces noise and vibration caused by beating action.
Rounded Caps
A curved wing cap is less damaging to the belt and easier on mechanical splices.
Peak Connection
Designed without a center plate, which can cut the belt and linked wings eliminates a catch point.
Abrasion Resistant
AR steel option extends service life in harshest applications.