What is the JRE Tech Sponsorship Program?
Our program is a two-year equipment technician program tailored to amplify technical experience and professional expertise of the incoming dealership technician. Each person is thoroughly coached in the classroom, as well as gaining in-dealership and hands-on experience!

Apply for Sponsorship
James River Equipment is committed to assisting you every step of the way! We will provide you with training-related part-time employment, and serve as mentors during your work experience periods. James River will even supply you with 11 uniforms and a laptop!

Receive Brand New Tools
Don't worry about getting enough tools for class! As soon as you start, James River will provide you with a BRAND NEW toolbox complete with the tools you need to get the job done!

Get Your Tuition Paid
That's right! James River pays your tuition when you graduate with a minimum of a 2.5 GPA, and as you complete two years of service at any of our locations!
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