The crux of Integrated Solutions is to make unemotional, logical, data-driven decisions. During the "Ground" step, the grower has access to evidence-based analysis. This report will give indicators if a particular field is the right candidate for variable rate seeding, fertilizer, or irrigation prescription technologies. Variable-rate technologies require knowledge, attention to detail, time, and more exceptional level support.
Land Leveling
Elevate your land leveling design with T3rra Cutta from James River Equipment. This software took the best of terrain design and applied the technology to the uses of professional farmers. With T3rra Cutta, design terraces, levees, and drains work with multiple fields at the same time to perform whole-farm designs and view your designs in Google Earth. Once you are done creating, take that plan into the field. Export your model and take it to the tractor for seamless guidance and plan execution.

Ag Studio
Ag Studio is the best-in-class software for both growers and their agronomist professionals to put plans into action. With Ag Studio, your agronomist can quickly formulate and provide variable-rate recommendations for seeding and fertility. With their customized calculations, prescriptions easily translate to John Deere equipment. With this streamline data communication, execute your valuable prescription with precision.
Full Agronomic Package - The comprehensive ag studio program with the ability to access James River Equipment's fertility algorithms.
Farmer Package - The full ag studio and fertility Rx's provided by James River Equipment.

Let's get down to the basics. Understanding your soil, topographic data, and field boundaries allow you to start planning your field activities zone by zone. James River Equipment has the means to collect, analyze, present, and store this information.

Now that we have mapped your operation's diverse makeup, let's plan for the future by applying what data may be available from the past. Identify the fields that would be best suited for variable rate seeding, fertilizer, or irrigation prescription technologies.

Let it grow with the right nutrients at the right time, all based on real-time data. James River Equipment's Integrated Solutions Team offers dynamic irrigation management and microclimate technologies that dial-in water management in your plant's lifecycle.

When it comes down to it, James River Equipment's Integrated Solutions Team know your equipment's technology the best. That's why we are here to make sure you yield the highest potential throughout the year with equipment support services.
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